5 Fun Questions to Ask Your Spouse Today!

That one time we were trying to have a quiet romantic date in Tulum but the staff came out to loud music, sparklers and started smashing plates. We laugh about it now.

Have you ever gone out to eat with your spouse or a group of friends and noticed a table with a couple sitting at it, barely saying a word to each other?

Have they grown accustomed to each other? Do they not enjoy each other's company? Are they going through something?

Or have you ever been somewhere and seen the wife or husband scrolling through their phones the whole time, barely acknowledging the person sitting in front of them?

We have been these people before. Liz was always on TikTok or Instagram using me as her “Instagram Husband” to take all her pictures. I was usually more interested in making friends with the waitresses and bartenders than I was interested in her.

We have since learned the importance of intentionality with one another.

We’ve noticed that for many couples they seem to just “lose interest” over time with each other. Why is this? What if we could change this?

When you first started dating your spouse, it was curiosity that led you to ask them questions about themselves. You were probably really intrigued by them.

For us, as soon as we got married, the chase was over. We stopped really getting to know each other through questions, curiosity, and intrigue. We were honestly kids just trying to survive.

Now, we have learned to love asking people questions. It's one of the best ways to get to know someone and honestly make them feel important.

We weren't always this way, but in our determination to have the best marriage we could have, we had to become good at being interested, intrigued, and curious about one another again.

Here are some fun questions to ask each other today that will hopefully open the door for you to continue to be fascinated by one another again:

1. What's one thing you love about our relationship that you didn't expect when we first got married?

2. If you could relive one moment from our wedding day, which moment would it be and why?

3. What's a new hobby or activity you'd like us to try together this year?

4. If we could take a spontaneous weekend getaway right now, where would you want to go and why?

5. What's one memory from our time together that always brings a smile to your face?

Share this article with your spouse, copy and paste the questions and sit down together to discuss them. Heres your reminder to never stop being curious and intrigued with one another.

Rooting for you,

-Armando and Liz