The Night That Altered Our Marriage Forever

We now refer to the night that changed the trajectory of our marriage as the "5AM night." There I was after a nightmare night out with friends feeling disgusted, dirty, violated and ashamed. Nothing could have ever prepared me for an experience of that nature. Armando was enraged. He told me to pack my bags and get out. The curse words were endless.

However, I understood his reaction. So as I gathered my things, he left for a drive. I sat there at home, trembling and afraid, while he circled the neighborhood in his car. With nowhere to turn I sent out a desperate plea to God. "God, all I know is we need you now," I whispered over and over again, clinging to a thread of hope in the middle of the chaos.

At around 5AM, Armando called me out to meet him in the car. I was scared, confused, and uncertain about what would come next. What happened next was unexpected. He said, "I don’t want to do this, and I don’t know why I am, but I’m going to pray for you."

What followed was nothing short of a miracle. It was apparent that as Armando began to pray, the words coming out of his mouth were not his words but words directly from heaven to me. I sobbed. The person who had cursed me just an hour earlier was now blessing me. Only God.

I wish I could say that everything magically fell into place after that prayer. The truth is, the road after the "5AM night" was a grueling one, to say the least. It was long, messy, and rough. Yet, it was along this tumultuous path that Armando and I learned God’s true purpose and significance for our marriage. It was a journey filled with invaluable lessons—lessons we felt led to share with others, someday.

After 18 years of marriage, we stand here today feeling as though we've been gifted a brand-new marriage with each other and a new found relationship with the Lord.

If you're facing what seems like an impossible situation in your marriage, I want to encourage you. Our story stands as proof that God works wonders in the most impossible circumstances. Sometimes, I think it's these moments of impossibility that God loves the most. Its often in the impossible that Gods glory and goodness are revealed most on the earth.

So, thank you for joining us on this journey through our newsletter. We firmly believe that the best is yet to come. As we move forward, Armando and I are filled with anticipation, faith, and a steadfast conviction that our story is far from over and that through sharing many marriages will be given hope.

With love,


PS If you know anyone who would benefit from reading our newsletter please feel free to share it with them. Blessings.