Rough Day.....

How to manage a stressful day together

Some days are good. 

Some days are tough. 

Some days it's easy to get out of bed. 

And some days you don’t feel like doing anything. 

From going to work let alone being a parent and serving your spouse. 

Yesterday, was one of those days where we faced one thing after another. 

From family matters to putting out fires in our businesses. 

Asking God “Can you hear my prayers?” Have you ever been there?

You may be asking…How can we manage to find strength to keep pouring into our marriage in the middle of a rough day? 

But in the middle of a rough day it's still important to remember the things that matter. When things feel out of control remember that how we treat one another…is something we can control.

Imagine if you stopped going to work every time you had a rough day.  

You might not have a job after a while.

Most people still go to work regardless of how they feel. Because you know it's important to do the thing that matters…make a living.

Why? Because the bills still have to get paid. 

The same with marriage… 

Regardless of how our day is going, it is important to pour into our marriage… 

It’s important to serve, to communicate, and say, “I'm feeling rough right now, can we pray together”? 

We should love, have patience, give. It feels like an uphill battle…because it is. But having God as an anchor and knowing our spouse isn't the enemy gives us supernatural strength when we are weak and overwhelmed. 

Surrender to God what you can't control and manage well what you can. 

Here’s an example of what this can look like… 


You walk through the door after a long day of work.

Your wife greets you with a kiss and serves you an amazing dinner :-). 

Take the initiative to clean the kitchen and dishes without her asking… 

I guarantee you’ll get an awesome dessert. ;)


Your husband doesn’t get much time to go hunting, fishing, or play video games. 

You are tired from work or managing the household..

Schedule a time for you and him to do his favorite hobby. Hang out with him doing something HE enjoys.

The benefit? 

I guarantee he’ll open up 100% more… 

Guys open up when they’re having fun. 

 I’ll end with this… 

Serve your spouse today and enjoy the rewards! Stressful times will come but we can still fight to keep the main things the main things and band together in times of stress. 

All the best, 

Armando & Liz 

P.S. If you know a married couple who needs hope, share this newsletter with them. 

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