The 3 Essential Ingredients for a Thriving Marriage

This is my favorite chair in our house to write from. Cue Armando coming in for a mid writing session selfie.

Ever have one of those days where you just don’t feel like getting out of bed? Yeah, me too.

The other day, I woke up feeling stressed and overwhelmed. My mind was racing with worries about the future—how were we going to accomplish everything we had coming up this year? I didn’t have the answers, and honestly, I felt frustrated that I was even feeling this way.

So, Armando and I decided to go on a walk. As we walked, I let all those swirling thoughts out. He listened, gave me his thoughts, and shared his perspective. I listened too (even though I had to fight the urge to interrupt at times!). Particularly this conversation was about… finances … so it got a bit touchy.

After we talked, we prayed together. And suddenly, I felt lighter. The weight I had been carrying all morning was lifted.

This is what happens when we intentionally bring Godly wisdom and open communication into our everyday life. We were able to navigate tough conversations—including finances, which can be a touchy subject—and be there for each other instead of against each other.

I truly believe that when you invest in your marriage, commit to growing together, and put in the time and effort, you can go through rough seasons and come out stronger on the other side.

Specifically, I believe if you can start doing these three things and do them really well, you can build a marriage that thrives—no matter what.

1.Prioritize Quality Time Together

Life gets busy, and it’s easy for work, kids, and daily responsibilities to push your marriage to the back burner. But every marriage needs this one invaluable thing, TIME. Make face-to-face time a priority—whether it’s a date night, a walk(our fave), or just an uninterrupted conversation. Small, consistent efforts remind your spouse, “You are important to me and I see you” And that simple truth can change everything.

2.Pray & Grow Spiritually Together

There’s a reason people say, “A couple that prays together, stays together.” Inviting God into your marriage daily strengthens your bond on a deeper level and helps you face challenges with grace.

Take time to pray together—before bed, over meals, or in difficult moments(like after the hard conversation Armando and I had about our finances). Read scripture together AND IN YOUR OWN TIME, worship together, and seek God’s wisdom as a couple. When Christ is the foundation of your marriage, you begin to value doing marriage His way.

Mark 10:9 – "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate."

3.Approach Marriage with a Servant’s Heart

I love what Philippians 2:3 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves". I’ve quickly learned that the key to serving my spouse well is to let my pride die. Pride causes us to be be SELF SERVING leaving little to no energy to consider our spouses needs above our own. Marriage isn’t about what you can get—it’s about what you can give. Having humility towards your spouse helps you to see them in a different light and allows a servants heart to flow from a pure place.

Ask yourself: How can I serve my spouse today?

  • A kind word

  • A thoughtful act of service

  • Simply listening with patience

  • _______________

A thriving marriage doesn’t happen by accident. It takes time, faith, and selfless love.

Which of these areas do you and your spouse need to focus on most? Take a moment to talk this over with your spouse and start today—because small, intentional steps can have a HUGE impact on your relationship. 💛

Thanks for reading! Share this blog post with your spouse!
